Father and son playing on field


For tips on how to achieve your savings goals and make your money work harder, take advantage of our savings resources and start harnessing the power of your money.

Get your money growing with our savings guides

Whether you’re saving for a rainy day fund or working towards a house deposit, here we’re explaining terms you may come across simply to help you make the right savings decisions.

About OakNorth Bank

How to choose the right savings account for you

Choosing the right savings account can feel overwhelming with so many options available. The best fit for you will depend on your financial goals, how soon you might need access…

How to choose the right savings account for you

Growing your savings

The joys of joint accounts

Stella Demades, Product Director at OakNorth Bank details the benefits of having a joint account Since our launch in September 2015, we have strived to evolve our savings offering in…

Growing your savings

How a notice savings account can boost your savings capability

The average saver might not be aware of what a notice account is, or if they do, they may think they’re too restrictive. But used in the right way, they…

Positive woman smiling at laptop at desk

Growing your savings

Compound interest: the secret to successful saving

By: Stella Demades, Product Director at OakNorth Bank In the words of Albert Einstein, “Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he…


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175,000 savers to date, many more to go

We’ve used our expertise to help thousands get to grips with their money and begin saving responsibly. If you’re looking to set off with your own OakNorth savings journey, check out our full range of accounts today.